Variable carbon composition resistors for use in electronic equipment - characteristics y , w and uc 电子设备用可变碳素电阻器.特性y w及uc
Now professors w and m are seeking volunteers to supervise the creation of books for the library 现在两位教授正在寻找志愿者来监督该图书馆书籍的编写。
Of course , the commands you use may be called something other than show w and show c ; they could even be 然,你使用的命令名称可以不同于show w和show c 。
The hypothetical commands show w and show c should show the appropriate parts of the general public license 所假设的指令show w与show c应显示通用公共授权的相对应条款。
It predicted the existence of the w and z bosons , the gluon and two of the heavier quarks ( the charm and the top quark ) 它预测了w玻色子、 z玻色子、胶子以及两种较重的夸克(魅、顶夸克) 。
Atc clears you 10000m to beijing . after take - off turning left over the r / w and climb to 2100m set on course 空中交通管制允许放行你到北京,飞行高度10000米。起飞后左转通场爬高到2100米入航。
W and a also say lack discipline at home and lack parent interest as a problem in many big city in public schools 同时也提到孩子在家里缺乏管教和父母的关心是存在于许多大城市公立学校的问题。
Rynai - w and xynb1 were all cloned into the plasmid vector ppic9 q , and were all overexpressed in pichia pastoris gs l 1 5 将xynb1序列克隆进酵母表达载体ppic9上,在毕赤酵母gs115中得到高效特异性表达。
There exist large au , cu , pb - zn , ni , rare metals , rare earth , sn , mo , v , ti , w and some other types of ore deposits 具有大型、超大型规模的矿产为金、铜、铅锌、镍、稀有金属、稀土金属、锡、钼以及钒、钛、钨等。
" for their decisive contributions to the large project , which led to the discovery of the field particles w and z , communicators of weak interaction 发明粒子束的随机冷却法,使质子-反质子束对撞产生w和z粒子的实验成为可能